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XSetup plugin | 2000-11-12 | 3.3 KB | 103 lines |
- "FILE"="Xteq Systems X-Setup Plugin 5.0"
- "TYPE"="1"
- "COUNT"="4"
- "UIPATH"="Internet\NeoPlanet"
- "NAME"="NeoPlanet Search URLs"
- "VERSION"="1.10"
- "LANGUAGE"="VBScript"
- "TEXT 1"="Search #1 Name"
- "TEXT 2"="Search #1 URL"
- "TEXT 3"="Search #2 Name"
- "TEXT 4"="Search #2 URL"
- "DESCRIPTION 1"="In the box above, enter the website address you wish to use for the NeoPlanet default search pages."
- "DESCRIPTION 2"="The first default URL is http://www.hotbot.com/?MT=%s&SM=SC&DV=0&LG=any&DC=25&DE=2 and the first default name is "Search HotBot""
- "DESCRIPTION 3"="The second default URL is http://www.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?cat=dir&query=%s and the second default name is "Search Lycos""
- "DESCRIPTION 4"="You may copy and paste those items into the boxes above to restore the default search engine names and search pages in NeoPlanet."
- "DESCRIPTION 5"="Note: These changes affect the drop down search list in NeoPlanet, not the button labled "Search"."
- "DESCRIPTION 6"="You should completely exit NeoPlanet, including its taskbar tray icon and restart it for the changes to take effect."
- "DESCRIPTION 7"="NeoPlanet is free web browser, available at www.neoplanet.com for download."
- "AUTHOR"="CptSiskoX"
- "CONTACTURL"="http://members.fortunecity.com/computingx/"
- "COPYRIGHT"="(C) 1999 by Xteq Systems"
- "COMMENT 1"="Thanks to NeoPlanet for creating a cool and free web browser. If you don't have it, check out http://www.neoplanet.com and grab a copy."
- "COMMENT 2"="Thanks to TeXHeX@xteq.com for helping out."
- sFile="data\data\Default\search.ini"
- sFilePath=""
- sSec1="search1"
- sSec2="search2"
- sV_Name="display"
- sV_URL="URL"
- 'Called when the Plugin is started
- SUB Plugin_Initialize
- 'first try to locate NeoPlanet...
- s=RegReadValue("HKLM\Software\CLASSES\Neo20.Application\shell\open\command\@")
- if len(s)>0 then
- 'NP is installed! default result: "C:\PROGRA~1\NEOPLA~1\BIN\NEOPLA~1.EXE "%1"
- 'locate the \BIN part and drop the rest
- s=UCase(s)
- l=InStr(s,"\BIN")
- if l>0 then
- 'looks good!
- s=left(s,l) 'no we have the root
- s=s & sFile 'add the name and path to "search.INI"
- sFilePath=s
- 'Call DebugMsg(s)
- 'Final check: Does the file exists?
- if FileExists(sFilePath)then
- 'Yiah! We have the file....
- s=INIReadValue(sFilePath,sSec1,sV_Name)
- Call SetUIElement(1,s)
- s=INIReadValue(sFilePath,sSec1,sV_URL)
- Call SetUIElement(2,s)
- s=INIReadValue(sFilePath,sSec2,sV_Name)
- Call SetUIElement(3,s)
- s=INIReadValue(sFilePath,sSec2,sV_URL)
- Call SetUIElement(4,s)
- else
- Call Disable()
- end if
- else
- Call Disable()
- end if
- else
- Call Disable()
- end if
- 'Called when the Plugin should validate the Data the user has entered
- SUB Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
- 'Called when the Plugin should apply the changes
- SUB Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
- s=GetUIElement(1)
- Call INIWriteValue(sFilePath,sSec1,sV_Name,s)
- s=GetUIElement(2)
- Call INIWriteValue(sFilePath,sSec1,sV_URL,s)
- s=GetUIElement(3)
- Call INIWriteValue(sFilePath,sSec2,sV_Name,s)
- s=GetUIElement(4)
- Call INIWriteValue(sFilePath,sSec2,sV_URL,s)
- 'Called when the Plugin is about to be removed from memory
- SUB Plugin_Terminate